PointRend: 把图像分割建模为渲染.
PointRend包含了两个阶段的特征处理,分别是fine-grained features和coarse prediction部分,如果主干网络是ResNet,那么fine-grained features就是ResNet的stage2输出,也就是4倍下采样时的精细分割结果,而coarse prediction就是检测头的预测结果(还未上采样还原成原图的结果)。
从coarse prediction中挑选N个“难点”,也就是结果很有可能和周围点不一样的点(比如物体边缘的点)。对于每一个难点,获取他的“特征向量”,对于点特征向量(point features),主要由两部分组成,分别是fine-grained features的对应点和coarse prediction的对应点的特征向量,将这两个特征向量拼接成一个向量。接着通过一个MLP网络对这个“特征向量”进行预测,更新coarse prediction。也就相当于对这个难点进行新的预测,对像素进行分类。
如上图所示,对于一个coarse prediction(4x4大小),将其上采样两倍(8x8大小,这里可以理解为检测头的输出)后,取了一些难分割的点(大多是边缘部分),取这些点的特征向量输入到MLP网络中,进行point prediction,得到每一个点的新类别,最后结果输出(8x8大小,边缘更加精确的结果)。
在Inference过程中,每个区域都通过迭代coarse-to-fine的方式来渲染。在每一次迭代过程中,PointRend都使用双线性差值将上一次的segmentation result进行上采样,然后在这个结果中选择N个不确定的点(分类概率接近0.5的点,也就是模型认为模棱两可的点)提取特征向量,经过MLP进行分类,得到新的segmentation result。
def point_sample(input, point_coords, **kwargs):
add_dim = False
if point_coords.dim() == 3:
add_dim = True
point_coords = point_coords.unsqueeze(2)
# F.grid_sample(a, grid)按照grid采样,grid归一化为[-1,1]
output = F.grid_sample(input, 2.0 * point_coords - 1.0, **kwargs)
if add_dim:
output = output.squeeze(3)
return output
def sampling_points(mask, N, k=3, beta=0.75, training=True):
assert mask.dim() == 4, "Dim must be N(Batch)CHW"
device = mask.device
B, _, H, W = mask.shape
# C维度存储每个类别的分类概率
mask, _ = mask.sort(1, descending=True)
if not training:
H_step, W_step = 1 / H, 1 / W
N = min(H * W, N)
# 用前两个分类最大概率之差的负值衡量分类不确定度
uncertainty_map = -1 * (mask[:, 0] - mask[:, 1])
_, idx = uncertainty_map.view(B, -1).topk(N, dim=1)
points = torch.zeros(B, N, 2, dtype=torch.float, device=device)
points[:, :, 0] = W_step / 2.0 + (idx % W).to(torch.float) * W_step
points[:, :, 1] = H_step / 2.0 + (idx // W).to(torch.float) * H_step
return idx, points
over_generation = torch.rand(B, k * N, 2, device=device)
over_generation_map = point_sample(mask, over_generation, align_corners=False)
uncertainty_map = -1 * (over_generation_map[:, 0] - over_generation_map[:, 1])
_, idx = uncertainty_map.topk(int(beta * N), -1)
shift = (k * N) * torch.arange(B, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
idx += shift[:, None]
importance = over_generation.view(-1, 2)[idx.view(-1), :].view(B, int(beta * N), 2)
coverage = torch.rand(B, N - int(beta * N), 2, device=device)
return torch.cat([importance, coverage], 1).to(device)
class PointHead(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,num_classes, in_c=512, k=3, beta=0.75):
self.mlp = nn.Conv1d(in_c+num_classes, num_classes, 1)
self.k = k
self.beta = beta
def forward(self, x, res2, out):
1. Fine-grained features are interpolated from res2 for DeeplabV3
2. During training we sample as many points as there are on a stride 16 feature map of the input
3. To measure prediction uncertainty
we use the same strategy during training and inference: the difference between the most
confident and second most confident class probabilities.
if not self.training:
return self.inference(x, res2, out)
points = sampling_points(out, x.shape[-1] // 16, self.k, self.beta)
coarse = point_sample(out, points, align_corners=False)
fine = point_sample(res2, points, align_corners=False)
feature_representation = torch.cat([coarse, fine], dim=1)
rend = self.mlp(feature_representation)
return {"rend": rend, "points": points}
def inference(self, x, res2, out):
During inference, subdivision uses N=8096
(i.e., the number of points in the stride 16 map of a 1024×2048 image)
num_points = 8096
while out.shape[-1] != x.shape[-1]:
out = F.interpolate(out, scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True)
points_idx, points = sampling_points(out, num_points, training=self.training)
coarse = point_sample(out, points, align_corners=False)
fine = point_sample(res2, points, align_corners=False)
feature_representation = torch.cat([coarse, fine], dim=1)
rend = self.mlp(feature_representation)
B, C, H, W = out.shape
points_idx = points_idx.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, C, -1)
out = (out.reshape(B, C, -1).scatter_(2, points_idx, rend).view(B, C, H, W))
return {"fine": out}
class PointRend(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, backbone, head):
self.backbone = backbone
self.head = head
def forward(self, x):
result = self.backbone(x)
result.update(self.head(x, result["res2"], result["coarse"]))
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
x = torch.randn(3, 3, 224, 224)
net = PointRend(deeplabv3(False,num_classes=33), PointHead(num_classes=33))
out = net(x)
for k, v in out.items():
print(k, v.shape)
# {"coarse":, "rend":, "points"}
result = net(X)
pred = F.interpolate(result["coarse"], X.shape[-2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=True)
seg_loss = F.cross_entropy(pred, gt, ignore_index=255)
gt_points = point_sample(
points_loss = F.cross_entropy(result["rend"], gt_points, ignore_index=255)
loss_sum = seg_loss + points_loss