
直方图损失(Histogram Loss)是一种深度度量学习的损失函数,它首先估计正样本对和负样本对所对应的两个特征距离分布,然后计算正样本对之间的相似度比负样本对之间的相似度还要小的概率。


\[\mathcal{S}^+ = \{ s_{ij} = <f_{\theta}(x_i),f_{\theta}(x_j)> | (i,j) \in \mathcal{P} \} \\ \mathcal{S}^- = \{ s_{ij} = <f_{\theta}(x_i),f_{\theta}(x_j)> | (i,j) \in \mathcal{N} \}\]



\[h^+ = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{S}^+|} \sum_{(i,j) \in \mathcal{P}} \delta_{i,j,r}\]


\[\delta_{i,j,r} = \begin{cases} (s_{ij}-t_{r-1})/\Delta, & s_{ij} \in [t_{r-1};t_r] \\ (t_{r+1}-s_{ij})/\Delta , & s_{ij} \in [t_r;t_{r+1}] \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]


\[p = \int_{-1}^{1}p^-(x) [\int_{-1}^{x}p^+(y)dy] dx = \int_{-1}^{1}p^-(x) \Phi^+(x) dx = \Bbb{E}_{x \text{~}p^-(x)}[\Phi^+(x)]\]


\[p ≈ \sum_{r=1}^R (h^-_r \sum_{q=1}^rh_q^+) = \sum_{r=1}^R h^-_r \phi_r^+\]
import torch
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal

class HistogramLoss(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_bins, cuda=False):
        super(HistogramLoss, self).__init__()
        self.step = 2 / num_bins
        self.eps = 1 / num_bins
        self.cuda = cuda
        self.t = torch.arange(-1+self.eps, 1, self.step).view(-1, 1)
        self.tsize = self.t.size()[0]
        if self.cuda:
            self.t = self.t.cuda()
    def forward(self, features, classes):
        # 构造直方图分布
        def histogram(inds, size):
            s_repeat_ = s_repeat.clone()
            # 把样本对距离s分配给直方图的bins [t_{r-1}, t_r]
            indsa = (s_repeat_ - self.t >= 0) & (s_repeat_ - self.t < self.step) & inds
            assert indsa.nonzero().size()[0] == size, ('Another number of bins should be used')
            # 把样本对距离s分配给直方图的bins [t_r, t_{r+1}]
            zeros = torch.zeros((1, indsa.size()[1])).byte()
            if self.cuda:
                zeros = zeros.cuda()
            indsb = torch.cat((zeros, indsa))[:-1, :].to(dtype=torch.bool)
            # 根据权重delta计算直方图的取值
            s_repeat_[~(indsb|indsa)] = 0
            # indsa corresponds to the first condition of the second equation of the paper
            s_repeat_[indsa] = (s_repeat_ - self.t)[indsa] / self.step
            # indsb corresponds to the second condition of the second equation of the paper
            s_repeat_[indsb] =  (-s_repeat_ + self.t)[indsb] / self.step
            return s_repeat_.sum(1) / size
        batch_size = classes.size()[0]
        # 计算特征之间的余弦相似度
        features = 1. * features / (torch.norm(features, 2, dim=-1, keepdim=True).expand_as(features) + 1e-12)
        dists = torch.mm(features, features.transpose(0, 1))  # [batch_size, batch_size]
        # 构造全1上三角阵(用于mask掉重复的样本对和自身的样本对)
        s_inds = torch.triu(torch.ones(batch_size, batch_size), 1).byte() 
        if self.cuda:
            s_inds= s_inds.cuda()
        # 取出所有有效样本对的距离
        s = dists[s_inds].view(1, -1) # num_pairs = batch_size * (batch_size-1) / 2
        s_repeat = s.repeat(self.tsize, 1) # [num_bins, num_pairs]
        s_repeat_floor = (torch.floor(s_repeat.data / self.step) * self.step).float()
        # print(s_repeat_floor)
        # 匹配正负样本对
        classes_eq = (classes.repeat(batch_size, 1)  == classes.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, batch_size)).data
        pos_inds = classes_eq[s_inds].repeat(self.tsize, 1)
        neg_inds = ~classes_eq[s_inds].repeat(self.tsize, 1)
        pos_size = classes_eq[s_inds].sum().item()
        neg_size = (~classes_eq[s_inds]).sum().item()

        # 计算样本对的直方图
        histogram_pos = histogram(pos_inds, pos_size)
        assert_almost_equal(histogram_pos.sum().item(), 1, decimal=1, 
                            err_msg='Not good positive histogram', verbose=True)
        histogram_neg = histogram(neg_inds, neg_size)
        assert_almost_equal(histogram_neg.sum().item(), 1, decimal=1, 
                            err_msg='Not good negative histogram', verbose=True)
        # 计算正样本对直方图的累计密度函数
        histogram_pos_repeat = histogram_pos.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, histogram_pos.size()[0]) # [num_bins, num_bins]
        histogram_pos_inds = torch.tril(torch.ones(histogram_pos_repeat.size()), -1).byte()
        if self.cuda:
            histogram_pos_inds = histogram_pos_inds.cuda()
        histogram_pos_repeat[histogram_pos_inds] = 0
        histogram_pos_cdf = histogram_pos_repeat.sum(0)
        # 计算直方图损失
        loss = torch.sum(histogram_neg * histogram_pos_cdf)
        return loss