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- docs:官方文档
- paper:MMDetection: Open MMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- Mudule design
- Support of multiple frameworks out of box
- High efficiency
- State of the art
- Architecture
- Hyper-parameters
- Supported Frameworks
1. Architecture
(1). Model Representation
- Backbone:把image转换成feature map,如ResNet-50;
- Neck:连接backbone和head,对raw feature map进行refine和reconfigure,如FPN;
- DenseHead (AnchorHead/AnchorFreeHead):进行dense location,包括AnchorHead和AnchorFreeHead,如RPN-Head、RetinaHead、FCOSHead;
- RoIExtractor:提取RoI(Region of Interests),如RoIPooling、RoIAlign;
- RoIHead (BBoxHead/MaskHead):使用RoI进行预测,如bbox分类/回归、mask预测。
(2). Training Pipeline
训练(training epochs)和验证(validation epochs)时设计了hooking mechanism。训练时的pipeline如下,验证类似。
2. Hyper-parameters
(1). Regression Losses
- Smooth L1 Loss
- L1 Loss
- Balanced L1 Loss
- Bounded IoU Loss
- IoU Loss
- GIoU Loss
(2). Normalization Layers
目标检测训练时batch较小,使用Batch Normalization时设置如下:
eval = True
:评估时冻结统计量requires_grad = True
- FrozenBN
- Synchronized BN
- Group Normalization(G=32)
(3). Training Scales
- “value” mode:shorter edge从列表中选择
- “range” mode:shorter edge在选择
不同的training scale搜索如下:
(4). Other Hyper-parameters
- smoothl1 beta:Smooth L1 Loss的参数
torch.where(x < beta, 0.5·x^2/beta, x - 0.5·beta)
- allowed border:边界框超出原图像的允许上界
- neg pos ub:negative和positive样本比例
3. Supported Frameworks
(1). Single-stage Methods
- SSD: a classic and widely used single-stage detector with simple model architecture
- RetinaNet: a high-performance single-stage detector with Focal Loss
- GHM: a gradient harmonizing mechanism to improve single-stage detectors
- FCOS: a fully convolutional anchor-free singlestage detector
- FSAF: a feature selective anchor-free module for single-stage detectors
(2). Two-stage Methods
- Fast R-CNN: a classic object detector which requires pre-computed proposals
- Faster R-CNN: a classic and widely used twostage object detector which can be trained end-to-end
- R-FCN: a fully convolutional object detector with faster speed than Faster R-CNN
- Mask R-CNN: a classic and widely used object detection and instance segmentation method
- Grid R-CNN: a grid guided localization mechanism as an alternative to bounding box regression
- Mask Scoring R-CNN: an improvement over Mask R-CNN by predicting the mask IoU
- Double-Head R-CNN: different heads for classi-fication and localization
(3). Multi-stage Methods
- Cascade R-CNN: a powerful multi-stage object detection method
- Hybrid Task Cascade: a multi-stage multi-branch object detection and instance segmentation method
(4). General Modules and Methods
- Mixed Precision Training: train deep neural networks using half precision floating point (FP16) numbers
- Soft NMS: an alternative to NMS
- OHEM: an online sampling method that mines hard samples for training
- DCN: deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling
- DCNv2: modulated deformable operators
- Train from Scratch: training from random initialization instead of ImageNet pretraining
- ScratchDet: another exploration on training from scratch
- M2Det: a new feature pyramid network to construct more effective feature pyramids
- GCNet: global context block that can efficiently model the global context
- Generalized Attention: a generalized attention formulation
- SyncBN: synchronized batch normalization across GPUs
- Group Normalization: a simple alternative to BN
- Weight Standardization: standardizing the weights in the convolutional layers for micro-batch training
- HRNet: a new backbone with a focus on learning reliable high-resolution representations
- Guided Anchoring: a new anchoring scheme that predicts sparse and arbitrary-shaped anchors
- Libra R-CNN: a new framework towards balanced learning for object detection